Mastering DA Form 638: Your Guide to Recognition

Understanding DA Form 638: Recommendations for Award

The Department of the Army (DA) Form 638 is integral to recognizing the achievements of army personnel. This form is known as the Recommendation for Award and serves as a formal document to nominate an individual for military awards and decorations. It plays a crucial role in acknowledging the accomplishments of soldiers, reflecting their dedication and service.

Preparation of the DA Form 638 involves a structured process. The form is available through the Army Publishing Directorate’s website, where it can be easily downloaded. Once obtained, it is crucial to understand its sections to complete it correctly. The form ensures that recommendations are consistent and that nominations are adequately justified.

Sections and Components of DA Form 638

The form is divided into multiple parts, each one addressing specific details needed for the award recommendation.

Part I: Soldier Data

This section captures basic information about the soldier being nominated. It includes the full name, rank, social security number, and unit of assignment. Accuracy here is vital as any errors can complicate the processing and review of the recommendation.

Part II: Award Data

Specifies the type of award suggested. It covers the award’s name, its abbreviated title, and the period for which the soldier is being recommended. This part also notes any previous awards the soldier has received, ensuring that recommendations align with established precedence in military awards.

Part III: Justification and Citation Data

This is perhaps the most critical section. It requires a narrative that justifies the recommendation, highlighting the soldier’s achievements and explaining how these accomplishments merit the award. The narrative should be concise yet cover all relevant actions the soldier performed beyond normal expectations. Supporting documents can be referenced here for additional validation.

Part IV: Approval and Dismay

This area records the administrative process of the recommendation. It includes endorsements and approvals from the commanding officers in the chain of command. Each level must provide remarks, often focusing on the adherence to standards and the further articulation of merits. Disapproved recommendations also appear here, along with reasons and possible suggestions for resubmission.

The Process of Submitting and Reviewing

Upon completion, the DA Form 638 undergoes a thorough review process. This starts within the unit where the soldier is assigned. The form moves through various command levels, including the battalion, brigade, and sometimes higher levels depending on the award’s prestige. Each level reviews, approves, or disapproves the recommendation. Comments can accompany a recommendation at every stage, providing both criticism and support.

Integrity during this process is paramount. Moreover, timelines for submission and review must be adhered to strictly. There are often deadlines for submitting awards tied to specific acts of valor or periods of service. Missed deadlines can result in an award not being processed in time, which could delay recognition.

Common Challenges and Considerations

One of the challenges in preparing the DA Form 638 is articulating the narrative compellingly. The recommender must effectively convey the soldier’s actions and their impact within a constrained space. Additionally, understanding the award prerequisites is crucial to ensuring that recommendations align with criteria.

Another common hurdle is administrative diligence. Ensuring that all endorsements are obtained and that the entire chain of command agrees with the nomination requires attention to detail across all levels. It’s important for nominees and their leaders to meticulously track the form through its stages to ensure completion.

Tips for Successfully Filling Out DA Form 638

  • Begin by gathering all relevant data about the soldier’s achievements and previous awards.
  • Draft a narrative that highlights the impact and significance of the soldier’s actions.
  • Make use of bullet points in supporting documentation to clearly outline accomplishments.
  • Consult examples and seek mentorship from senior officers who are familiar with the process.
  • Ensure timelines are adhered to and submissions are made promptly.

Filling out the DA Form 638 accurately and precisely promotes the fair recognition of soldiers’ contributions. It is a reflection of the unit’s values and the Army’s commitment to recognizing outstanding service.

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